Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It brings the biggest smile to my face riser my beautiful sister Jane happy. Bingley proposed to her! Jane deserves nothing less than Bingley is willing to offer. She has found a wonderful husband and will be living and very fulfilling life. The happiest creature on earth, she calls herself and she will be just that.

Oh goodness.

Sometimes I question how I survive in this household. My mothers behavior is unbearable. She's too concerned with marrying us off to wealthy bachelors to let us be happy. Everything is about her. She doesn't understand Janes emotions. Putting Jane in this situation is unfair to her. How'd my amiable father put up with my horrific mother all of these years? My goodness.


Over dinner I find Bingley's behavior quite strange. He is an individual of vast confusion. Bingley exerts such confusing behavior. He admires Jane with such love and adoration in his eyes, only to treat her as an acquaintance. It is puzzling that ones actions do not match their words.

Oh Jane!

I've closely observed Bingley's behavior toward and around Jane lately. I've come to the shocking conclusion that he may In fact be falling back in love with my beloved sister. Only god knows whether or not she will be able to move past the initial abandonment to allow him back in, but by guessing, I'm doubting she will considering she doesn't know the original circumstances. A word of wisdom to my dear sister, forget the past. You're never one to hold grudges. Don't be afraid. He loves you.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wickhams Desires

Oh joy! Gardiner has a new lead as to Lydia and Wickham's whereabouts! Unfortunately, they haven't married yet and have had no intention of doing so. After finding father, we've been informed that Wickham has demanded a favor in turn for marrying our ditzy sister. Money. Wickham, through all of his debt, has only demanded very little. What an ignorant man.

Lydia Lydia Lydia...

Oh, Dear Father, please do not feel as if this incident is your fault. You are not one to blame. Ever since infancy, mother has dreamt of marrying all five of us and forced it onto to us to the point where something of this happening is inevitable. Do not blame yourself for the stupidity of your most ignorant daughter. It has absolutely nothing to do with the way you've raised us. Take a look, the rest of us have turned out well. She takes after mother. What an embarrassment. We love you.

Collins Letter

I find it incredibly rude that Mr. Collins harbors the nerve to insult my family. After requesting my hand in marriage and being denied, Collins goes to far as to say that he is quite glad he hadn't married a Bennet and that this mishap would've disgraced him as well as my own family. Oh, dear Mr. Collins, if only you knew what others thought and said of you when you're not around. Get real.

The Search

I'm quite worried that my father and my uncle will never find Lydia. She and Mr. Wickham have done quite the job covering their tracks so far and with no general direction as to where they're headed, they could've taken any path. I sure hope he marries her, because her carelessness has reflected poorly on our entire family. One day, Lydia will realize that her stupidity and desperation are leading her into a horrible lifestyle and marriage.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Meeting Miss Darcy

Miss Darcy is a doll! I don't know why people presume her to be scornful and proud. Of course, as everyone is, she is a bit shy, but hey, that's alright. Miss Darcy isn't anything near what I'd imagined her to be. She is tall, thin, and not nearly as handsome as her brother. Then again, I'm sure she hadn't imagined me correctly either.

Meeting Miss Darcy (invitation)

I wonder if Darcy still loves me or desires my hand in marriage. He invited me to meet his sister, so maybe? I'm not quite sure. Either way, I hope she likes me.

Mrs. Reynolds

Mrs. Reyolds, the housekeeper, is a rather grand lady! She speaks so positively of Darcy. The things she says are extremely convincing, but I have seen no sign of them. Looks like I don't know Darcy as well as I thought. There I go judging again.

Pemberly Fishing

Of course, I jinxed it! Just as I thought our tour was going decently, Darcy pops into the picture. Boy, was I in for a surprise! I, personally, have never seen Darcy behave so friendly. My uncle was even offered a chance to return to fish the Pemberly lakes. What has come over him?

Visiting Pemberly

Pemberly is BEAUTIFUL! These sights are something to see. The landscaping is beautiful, along with the furnishings within the mansion! Thank god Darcy is away on business, I don't know what I would do if we ran into him here! This trip isn't turning out so badly.

The Great Lakes... Or Pemberly.

I am definitely disappointed in the switch of plans that have occurred. I was looking forward to seeing the great lakes! Although we aren't taking the exact trip we've planned, I'm sure well manage to have fun where ever it is that we go. I believe we are heading to Pemberly... UH OH! Hopefully Darcy and I don't run into each other, I really don't want any problems.

Darcy's Letter

Just as anyone isn't, I am not too fond of admitting my mistakes, but this one seems unavoidable. After receiving Darcy's letter, I realize how irrational I've acted. I was so stupid to believe something so far-fetched without hearing both sides of the story. I am terribly sorry and embarrassed for the wrongs I've committed against him. It was wrong for me to be so quick to judge.

Leaving Charr

It broke my heart to leave Charlotte there with Collins and Lady Catherine. I am very happy that she is content in her marriage, that is far more than I had expected, I just worry for her. Throughout my acquaintanceship with Collins, I've observed what an absurd man he is. Not only is she stuck with the ignorant Lady Catherine and obnoxious husband of hers, she is also going through everything alone. She has no one. I cant even begin to imagine how tough this marriage is on her, being away from her family and all.

My Visit Coming to an End

My visit to Lady Catherine's has been splendid! Seeing Charlotte and being able to catch up was much needed. I hadn't realized that the Collins' appreciated my company so much, until I left and Mr. Collins displayed extreme gratitude. The only negative aspect of leaving is that Charlotte and I will once again be separated. I'm very thankful that i was given this importunity. I feel as if our friendship is completely restored.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dillusional Darcy

Charlotte assumes that Darcy's reason for visiting often is that he is in love with me. This seemed far fetched at first, until Darcy went into elaboration on how he feels about me. I couldn't believe my ears. The nerve that Darcy has is quite extreme. After describing me as inferior and not worthy of his presence, he has the guts to propose to me?! No. If he thinks I feel the same way, he has got another thing coming. Darcy means absolutely nothing to me. He is absolutely repulsive. 

The Visit From Hell

Sitting alone at Rosings, the doorbell rang. Of course, I arose to answer it, only to find the scornful Darcy. Darcy seemed to attempt at conversation, like i actually wanted to talk to him, yeah right. After a very agonizing boring conversation he finally leaves. Thank god.

Colonel Fitzwilliam

Having Colonel Fitzwilliam around is rather nice. I enjoy his company and conversation. Today, Lady Catherine, gave me the wondrous opportunity to perform for he and Darcy on her piano. Lady Catherine talks too much of her daughter. Shes always talking about how she could do this and she could that. Well, she cant. Get over it.

Darcy's Guests

I seem to find Darcy's guests far more enjoyable than he is. Ive come to notice that Darcy associates with people of great difference than him. Honestly, I don't understand how they put up with his conceit for such long amounts of time. It seems that Darcy chooses to surround himself with those he feels to be inferior to him. Darcy feels such high self importance. Hes unbearably egotistical.