Sunday, March 11, 2012

Darcy's Guests

I seem to find Darcy's guests far more enjoyable than he is. Ive come to notice that Darcy associates with people of great difference than him. Honestly, I don't understand how they put up with his conceit for such long amounts of time. It seems that Darcy chooses to surround himself with those he feels to be inferior to him. Darcy feels such high self importance. Hes unbearably egotistical.


  1. Darcy, although a very complicated character, has a soft spot. Maybe he just gets nervous around you. Since you are a very beautiful and intelligent woman, he gets nervous. It shocks him that you have opnions, and that you are not just some Barbie doll.

  2. I am extremely disappointed to find your opinion of me to be so ill Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Yes, I am unbearably egotistical, but consider my place in society and my fortune, I do have the right to be egotistical.Almost every around me is going to be inferior because my superiority is unmatched by most. One think I cannot understand is how can you find my guests more enjoyable than me. As to Miss Bennet, I am not nervous around your sister. In fact, I have no reason to be.
