Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dillusional Darcy

Charlotte assumes that Darcy's reason for visiting often is that he is in love with me. This seemed far fetched at first, until Darcy went into elaboration on how he feels about me. I couldn't believe my ears. The nerve that Darcy has is quite extreme. After describing me as inferior and not worthy of his presence, he has the guts to propose to me?! No. If he thinks I feel the same way, he has got another thing coming. Darcy means absolutely nothing to me. He is absolutely repulsive. 

1 comment:

  1. You may find me repulsive, but everything I say is true. Am I wrong about the inferiority of your family connection and level in society? How can I be static to love someone, whom is so inferior to me. I may mean nothing to you, but you mean a lot more than just nothing to me. When you read the letter, you are going to find out how clouded you are by your prejudice.
